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14th Chopin Competition Result

Attended by 94 pianists from 25 countries

The prizes were awarded in the following order:


Yundi Li (China)


Ingrid Fliter (Argentina)


Alexander Kobrin (Russia)


Sa Chen (China)


Alberto Nose (Italy)


Mika Sato (Japan)

The Frederick Chopin Society and Warsaw City Council ex aequo prize for the best performance of a polonaise -
Sa Chen (China), Yundi Li (China).

The Polish Radio prize for the best perfomance of the mazurkas - not awarded.

The National Philharmonic prize for the best performance of a concerto - not awarded.

Honourable mention:

Ning An (U.S.A.), Etsuko Hirose (France), Valentina Igoshina (Russia), Radosław Sobczak (Poland), Nicolas Stavy (France), Mihaela Ursuleasa (Romania).