Saturday, December 31, 2005

Discrete Cosine Transformation Implementation Report

PSNR: 30.7929 (Maximum for the sample image and remains the same for each following method)

Compression Ratio:
Arithmetic Coding : 7.31184
Zig-zag(3 lines for DC method):4.75795
Zig-zag(4)+AC: 7.46424
Zig-zag(5)+AC: 7.52682
Zig-zag(6)+AC: 7.396

Discrete Cosine Transformation Implementation Note

Transformation Formula

u, v, x, y = 0, 1,2, ….,7

Zig-Zag sequence

(0,0)是為DC coefficient,其餘的為AC coefficient,除了DC之外,其餘的AC以(a,b)方式編碼,b為非零整數,a為b前零的個數。然而,有時將(a,b)編碼稍為往後延(即增加同DC處理方法的係數數量)可能會有較好的壓縮效果

JPEG Encoder/Decoder Block Diagram

此處不使用Huffman而用Arithmetic Coding

Sample Image

Thursday, December 29, 2005


3:30~5:10 共100分鐘

試題 :

一.何謂政治?為何研究政治的政治科學不能和其他的科學(不論是社會或自然科學)在概念上或理論上脫鉤,其相關性在哪裡? 20%


(1)該價值體系的主要特點為何,請舉一位代表人物說明之。 40%

(2)它和其他政治文化(試舉一種為例)的差別為何? 40%


試題 :


2.何謂「心力」(power of psychology)?試舉例說明心力在人類政治行為的演化過程中所扮演的角色。(本題佔40%)

考試時間︰2004/6/15 3:40-5:20pm

試題 :

1.(50%)試以"政治"之基本定義為脈絡,說明(a)"為何"人類(以及所有生物)無法避免政治? (b)冰河解凍(距金約10000年)時代之"前"人類的政治活動之特質;(c)該時代之"後"的政治活動面臨何種變化?
2.(50%)"政治"不可避免地涉及"力"(或權力power)之運用,擁有最強大的權力之人 吾人稱為"卓越之士"或"貴族統治"(aristocracy).請以宏觀角度剖析人類社會10000年以來的政治發展過程中,面臨環境變遷而產生的不同類型的卓越之士,他們的力的表現是否具有"共同性"與"差異性"?


1.科學界的基本共識是人類大規模的文化生活開始於距今11000年左右.試從政治科學觀點說明 (1)為何發生這個轉變? (2)轉變之前與之後的異同?


3.德國尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)被政治學者公認為是<卓越者統治>(aristocracy)或<菁英主義>(elitism)的代言人,試說明下列他的有關政治力的概念(1)will to power (2)pathos of distance (3) eternal recurrence of the same event ;以及「為何」這些概念成為以西歐與美國為主體的西方社會統治者的世界觀(weltanschauung)的主要成份.

第三題:請從政治學觀點解釋為何希臘的悲劇(tragic drama)形成一種迷思(myth),一直支配著西方國家的文化生活





1.為何一個國家"cannot so easily abolish the dynastic impulse"?請就所學說明之。

2.西方國家的政治文化對於「權力」的價值觀包括很尖銳的「主人vs奴隸」心態的對比,這種認知的對比甚至於比社會階級差異還要重大;請就所學 討論一下「主人」、「奴隸」兩個文化概念。


一、本課程在探討人類政治行為的邏輯(即政治科學)的過程中,一再強調人類在進化過程的某階段開始累積某些政治智慧,吾人稱為「遺傳與學習共同演化」之本能(Genetic-CuHural Coevolution),試說明這些特殊才能的內容與意義。

二、政治意識形態(political ideology)在全力運作中扮演何種功能?並舉例。


一、試以所學,說明並比較冰河解凍(Holocene Epoch)之前與之後(1)人與人 (2)男人與女人 (3)族群與族群 三類的互動行為的特色。


Tuesday, December 27, 2005

What's the bestselling video game of all time

Dear Yahoo!:
What's the bestselling video game of all time?
Orange County, California
Dear Lester:
That depends -- are you talking arcade, console, or PC? According to Time Magazine, The Sims is the bestselling PC game of all time. It passed perennial powerhouse MYST in 2002.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Super Mario Brothers is the bestselling video game of all time, with over 40 million units sold. The twenty-six Mario games have sold an astounding 152 million copies since Donkey Kong came out in 1983. However, Super Mario Brothers came bundled with the Nintendo's NES gaming system, so it had a Microsoft-like advantage in that respect.

But Mario is still sitting pretty, as Super Mario Brothers 3 has sold eighteen million unbundled copies since it's release. And the bestselling video game console? That would be Sony PlayStation. The bestselling coin-operated arcade game appears to be the one and only Pac-Man.

For the latest video game sales statistics, we suggest you head on over to NDP Funworld, an industry-tracking service. Right now it's all about football.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Stanley Tookie Williams

Old news...But still worth mentioning..

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 12 - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger rejected arguments on Monday that the death row inmate Stanley Tookie Williams was either innocent of capital murder or worthy of mercy because of his claims of redemption and denied a clemency petition to commute his sentence to life in prison.

The governor's highly anticipated decision seemed to all but seal the fate of Mr. Williams, whose execution was scheduled for Tuesday at 12:01 a.m. Pacific time. On Monday evening, hours after rejecting the clemency request, Mr. Schwarzenegger also turned down a request for a stay of execution based on a last-minute claim of innocence.

Mr. Williams's lawyers cited new accounts from witnesses in making the request. A similar request was filed late in the evening, but with an hour left before the execution, Mr. Schwarzenegger had not responded, The Associated Press reported.

Mr. Williams, 51, a leader of the Crips gang of Los Angeles who was convicted of murdering four people in 1979 amid an avalanche of gang violence there, suffered two other setbacks Monday as a federal appeals court and then the Supreme Court refused to grant a stay of execution.

In his decision denying clemency, issued less than 12 hours before Mr. Williams was scheduled to die by lethal injection, Mr. Schwarzenegger wrote that the case had been appealed to various courts since Mr. Williams was condemned in 1981, each one upholding his conviction.

The governor described the four murders in chilling detail, included a long list of the evidence against Mr. Williams, and said the proof of his guilt was "strong and compelling."

"Without an apology and atonement for these senseless and brutal killings," Mr. Schwarzenegger wrote, "there can be no redemption. In this case, the one thing that would be the clearest indication of complete remorse and full redemption is the one thing Williams will not do."

In South Los Angeles, where the Crips have been blamed for hundreds of killings, several residents said they believed that Mr. Williams should be put to death.

"If he'd have killed your daughter, you'd want him dead," said Lee Johnson, 89, a retired construction worker. "He killed somebody. You got to pay for what you do."

At San Quentin at 6 p.m., officials moved Mr. Williams into what is known as the "death watch cell," a 6-by-8-foot enclosure with a toilet and a sink about 15 feet from the execution chamber, and gave him a stack of 50 to 75 letters.

Mr. Williams decided in the final hours to allow five witnesses to his death. In an interview on Nov. 29 with The New York Times, he said he would not request a last meal.

"I'd be out of my mind to accept a meal from a place that wants to destroy me," he said.

Mr. Williams said he was at peace with his imminent death. But, he said: "To threaten me with death does not accomplish the means of the criminal justice system or satiate those who think my death or my demise will be a closure for them. Their loved ones will not rise up from the grave and love them. I wish they could. I sympathize or empathize with everyone who has lost a loved one. But I didn't do it. My death would not mollify them."

Of the execution, he said: "I'll go through it with dignity, with integrity, with love and bliss in my heart. I smile at everything, and I'm quite sure I'll smile then, too."