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Russian crew is rescued

Aug. 7 (Bloomberg) -- Seven crew members of a Russian mini- submarine trapped underwater off the country's Pacific coast with dwindling oxygen supplies surfaced alive and well after a U.K. underwater robot cut the vessel free of entanglements.

``Our crew and comrades opened the hatch themselves, all alive,'' said Admiral Viktor Fyodorov, the commander of Russia's Pacific Fleet, on Perviy Kanal. He said the men's health seemed good and that they had regulated the supply of oxygen in the sub.

``I can't call them anything but heroes,'' he said later on state-owned Rossiya television.

A U.K. Scorpio underwater robot cut through cables that had ensnared the submersible Aug. 4 off the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia's Far East. The vessel got tangled in a net and caught on an electronic coastal surveillance antenna attached to a 60- metric-ton anchor.

Two U.S. robots that were en route didn't reach the stricken sub, although three U.S. Navy divers and a U.S. Navy doctor were with the British rescue team, John Yoshishige, a spokesman for U.S. Pacific Fleet said in a telephone interview from Hawaii.