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最 近看到宏碁在美國的營業額超過十億美金,好像有重新成為世界大廠的趨勢,而且號稱如果聯想(Lenovo)的成長率維持不變的話,將能夠在最近幾年內超 過聯想成為世界第三大電腦製造商。我想了一下,第一名應該是dell,再來是hp compaq,為了求證,我找了一些資料:

Acer Shows Strongest Shipment Growth Among PC Makers

Thanks to its direct channel business model that allowed it increase efficiency, while getting closer to its customers, Acer of Taiwan stood out from the competition with the strongest shipment growth among the top 10 PC manufacturers in 2004, according to iSuppli Corp.

Acer outstripped worldwide PC market growth by more than a factor of three in 2004 as global PC shipments increased by 13.4 percent to reach 191.4 million units in 2004, up from 168.8 million in 2003, the El Segundo, Calif.-based market research firm reported.

Acer Shines in 2004 PC Ranking

February 15, 2005 -- In a good year for the PC market, Acer of Taiwan stood out from the competition with the strongest growth among the top-10 manufacturers in 2004, according to a preliminary ranking from iSuppli Corp.

Acer Comes up Aces
Acer's PC sales rose to 6.4 million units in 2004, up 44% from 4.5 million in 2003. This rapid growth propelled Acer up one rank in the worldwide PC market share rankings, passing Japan's Toshiba Corp. to take fifth place. Acer accounted for 3.4% of worldwide PC shipments in 2004, up from 2.6% in 2003. The next-largest growth rate was achieved by Dell Inc., whose unit shipments rose by 22.8% in 2004, about half the rate of increase posted by Acer.

Table 1 presents iSuppli's 2004 preliminary unit ranking of the top-10 worldwide PC sellers. Acer outstripped worldwide PC market growth by more than a factor of three in 2004. Global PC shipments increased by 13.4% to reach 191.4 million units in 2004, up from 168.8 million in 2003.


According to thisIDC press release, Acer is already the 3rd ranking pc manufacturer in EMEA region, mostly due to the success on low cost portables

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But EMEA stands for Europe, Middle East, and Africa, right? So maybe that's not the case in the U.S.? And by the by, I have bad impression on ACER laptops. I had used one of the TravelMate Series, and had a feeling of "Nice appearance, bad performance." The bundled softwares suck, and the machine was very heavy....

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