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Love of my life

在Jim Brickman的所有曲子中,我最喜歡Love of my life。它是在Destiny這張專輯裡面發表的,不過他的填詞以及提供歌手發揮空間的譜曲,似乎讓它的知名度比主打的Destiny還要高。

它的填詞是充滿了LIFE、LOVE、FAITH、ANGEL等等充滿生命、信仰的字眼,基本上是把愛當成一生的信仰,給予最高的崇敬及渴求,這也是為什麼Love of my life會被用在婚禮上了。




I am amazed
When I look at you
I see you smiling back at me
It's like all my dreams come true

I am afraid
If I lost you girl
I'd fall through the cracks
And lose my track in this crazy lonely world

Sometimes it's so hard to believe
When the nights can be so long
And faith give me the strength
And kept me going on

You are the love of my life
And I'm so glad you found me
You are the love of my life
Baby put your arms around me
I guess this is how it feels
When you finally find something real
My angel in the night
You are the love
The love of my life

Now here you are
With midnight closing in
You take my hand as our shadows dance
With moonlite on your skin

I look in your eyes
I'm lost inside your kiss
I think if I'd never met you
About all the things I'd missed

Sometimes it's so hard to believe
When a love can be so strong
And faith give me the strength
And keep me holding on


(instrumental bridge)
