Anti-war protesters anger local Texans

There have been tense scenes near United States President George W Bush's holiday ranch in Texas, where dozens of demonstrators have gathered to protest against the war in Iraq.
The demonstration is being led by Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq last year.
Mrs Sheehan says that unless President Bush agrees to meet her, she will maintain her vigil throughout his summer holiday at the ranch.
She will then go to Washington to wait outside the White House.
Her protest has angered some local residents in Texas.
Supporters of Mr Bush are holding a counter-protest nearby.
There have been frequent, angry confrontations between people supporting Mrs Sheehan and those in favour of the President outside his ranch.
A man in a truck knocked over many of the 800 white crosses erected by protesters to commemorate civilians and soldiers killed in Iraq.
The man has been arrested and charged.