Sunday, July 31, 2005


這些是我從圖書館借來 還沒看完 但是已經要還回去的書 寫下來以免我忘記

1. 權力遊戲
時報出版 next 02
進度: 第八章 軍事遊戲

2. 貞觀政要
沒有進度可言 跳著看的

copyrights and copy wrongs
商周出版 人與法律 43
Mini-review: Copyrights and Copywrongs
Siva Vaidhyanathan's "Copyrights and Copywrongs."
Interview with Siva Vaidhyanathan
Copyrights And Copywrongs-By Applelinks Contributing Editor Charles W. Moore

4. 賽局高手
時報出版 big 112
進度: 第八章 重複動態賽局策略

Friday, July 29, 2005

Houston: yes, we have a problem

Nasa admits that the shuttle has the same fuel tank defect that brought down Columbia

Source: TimesOnline



Thursday, July 28, 2005

How to Know if Someone Likes You Romantically

單身男女敎戰手冊 雪軒齋連載一

Sometimes the direct approach is best - just ask. But if that seems too bold for your liking, look for the following signs.

1. Pay attention to your conversations with the person in question. Does this person show a special interest in having a conversation with you and, once started, make an effort to keep that conversation going?

2. Is this person "accidentally" running into you in places where he or she knows you will be, such as at your desk? At the Laundromat on Tuesdays? At your brother's birthday party?

3. Make a note if he or she mentions future plans to spend time with you: "That band is coming to town soon. We should really get tickets."

4. Spend time alone together. Canceling other plans in order to be with you longer, or not finding excuses to leave, could be a sign of interest.

5. Has he or she been calling for random reasons, such as, "I was wondering if you knew what that pizza place down the street is called," followed by, "Are you hungry?"

6. Has this person taken a sudden interest in your life and hobbies? This is a sure sign that he or she is interested in something - and it's probably not your stamp collection.

7. Observe how the person acts around your friends - he or she might be extra friendly to your closest pals for a reason.

Body Language

1. Sometimes seeing someone you have a crush on results in telltale physiological signs. Does the person in question blush when you look at him or her? His or her sympathetic nervous system is probably going into overdrive. Does he or she have trouble speaking, using jumbled words when talking to you?

2. See if the person in question mirrors your motions: When you lean back, he or she leans back; when you put your elbows on the table, he or she does the same.

3. Note whether this person sits or stands in the open position - that is, facing you with arms uncrossed. In addition, a woman tends to cross her legs in a man's direction.

4. Does he or she move closer to you and/or touch you subtly, such as with a pat of your hand or a touch of your cheek?

5. Other elements of body language include frequent eye contact, holding your gaze and looking down before looking away, energetic speech coupled with open hands, and flashing palms.

6. Does the person you're wondering about just plain smile at you a lot?

North Korea Rejects U.S. Plan on Arms

Source: Washington Post

BEIJING, July 27 -- North Korea on Wednesday formally rejected the terms of a long-standing U.S. proposal for resolving the standoff over Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program, diplomats said.

The North Korean objections, although expected, underlined the difficulties negotiators face in newly resumed six-party talks here despite improved atmospherics and what diplomats described as increased resolve to make progress toward banning nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula.

"The DPRK is a country that prides itself on being different, and this is certainly proving true in these negotiations," a senior U.S. official said, using the initials of North Korea's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. "Things are not easy."

As described by U.S. officials, the proposal first made in June 2004 would provide aid and security assurances to North Korea if it agreed to a schedule that would do away with its nuclear weapons program.

North Korean diplomats complained, the senior U.S. official said, that the proposal was front-loaded with demands that the Pyongyang government agree to dismantle its nuclear program and allow inspections by outsiders before receiving the security assurances and economic aid it has demanded in return.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Site Feed Launch

我開了一陣子Site Feed了 只不過一直忘記在這裡加上連結 不知道Atom或者是Site Feed是什麼的 留個Comment 我再幫你找資料吧...

Armstrong Ends Career With Seventh Tour de France Win


Once more, and for the last time, Lance Armstrong swept into Paris today as the winner and undisputed champion of the Tour de France.

Protected by Discovery Channel teammates on his way to victory and retirement, Armstrong finished the last of 21 daily stages and mounted his final podium after a day of intermittent cold rain.

"There was nothing on the line this year, no history, no record, no financial reward, just a promise," he said Saturday, explaining his participation. When Discovery Channel signed on as sponsor for three years this season, replacing United States Postal Service, Armstrong promised to ride the Tour one more time.

As for his retirement, he said, "Absolutely no regrets."

Armstrong may retire, but he's not done

Source: Herald & Review

Armstrong says he is going to retire, but that is surely a misnomer. An individual with his ambition and energy can't sit still and do nothing - though with the millions of dollars he has earned, he certainly could.

If the only legacy Armstrong left was as a cycling champion, he would be long remembered. However, it seems safe to assume Armstrong will leave a legacy that is much more meaningful and lasting than the one he achieved pedaling a bicycle to fame.


1. 新聞夜總會(TVBS): 李艷秋主持,深藍的節目,來賓毒舌程度與男女糾察隊大概不相上下(其實我不大清楚男女糾察隊的情形)。逢扁必罵,跟蕭新玉逢李豋輝必罵狀況差不多,基本上 都是在抱怨政府無能,把所有的責任都堆到陳水扁一個人身上,形容詞與名詞千奇百怪,堪稱一絕。

2. 新聞挖挖哇: 算是中性的節目,並不只是政論節目,主要是以市井小民的觀點來看待當前頒布的政策或者是事件,雖然主持人于美人帶有綠色色彩(另一個主持人鄭弘儀我不知 道),但是對於節目的公正性有不錯的掌握,是一個好節目。只不過最近主題零散,常常在討論房地產、股票,好像漸漸變成了財經節目了...

3. 台灣雞婆:深綠節目,喜歡講台灣鄉下人受到都市外省人欺壓(其實就媒體來講,藍軍的確是佔了壓倒性的優勢),講些台灣鄉下人想聽的話,讓鄉下有口難言的人 發洩發洩。對於中國的威脅有誇大之嫌,而且把中國惡魔化(就是邪惡中的邪惡),也太過偏頗。不過風格十分本土,不會向深藍節目那樣咬文嚼字,也是另一種極 端。我覺得最有趣的一段話是當宋楚瑜結束訪問大陸時,他們所下的評論:"中國送我们貓熊,我們送他們連宋"

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Tighten Microsoft Windows to Improve Security


* Step #1 -- Upgrade to Windows XP Service Pack 2. Turn on automatic updates and turn on the Windows firewall (until you replace it with a better one). Turn off file and printer sharing if you do not use these features. If you want or need to do a clean install, see our Installation page.

* Step #2 -- Replace Internet Explorer with Firefox and Outlook Express with a more secure email client like Thunderbird. Also consider signing up with an ISP and/or email service that provides online spam, virus and content filters for two levels of protection, see our Broadband and Secure Website & Email Hosting pages (also see step #7 below).

* Step #3 -- Turn off the Windows XP firewall and replace it with software and hardware firewalls for two levels of protection, see our firewall software, wired and wireless router pages. Be sure to test them after installation, see our testing page.

* Step #4 -- Install anti-virus and anti-spyware software. Also consider using anti-trojan, anti-spam, anti-phishing and privacy software. Turn on automatic updating and/or check for updates of malware definition files yourself at least once a week.

* Step #5 -- Tighten Windows
o Checklist for Securing Windows XP Pro, Lawrence Berkeley Nat'l Lab
o TomCat's Secure Your Home Computer
o Securing Windows XP, Wall & Vaughan, TweakHound
o Windows XP Security Checklist,
o Consider using a product like the Computer Security Tool to help you tighten Windows (trial version available).

* Step #6 -- Backup your files at least weekly including documents, music, photos...

* Step #7 -- If you are using a dial-up Internet connection, consider moving to DSL or cable to make it easier and faster to use the automatic update features of Windows, anti-virus, and other security and privacy software.

michael jackson & slash - mtv 1995 video music awards performance live

這是Micheal Jackson在MTV Adward頒獎典禮時的表演,據說是蠻經典的,不過我不是很了解......裡面還有一個叫做slash的吉他手表演solo,感覺起來是很high啦,不過我很好奇,MJ真的有在唱嗎?感覺好像是在對嘴耶......




Monday, July 25, 2005



An Quote of Reinhold Niebuhr

God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Emule Online Signature


Thursday, July 21, 2005


今 天拿高行健的《給我老爺買魚竿》開始重看,《老爺》一書是高行健自己選的短篇小說集,可以說是了解高行漸小說風格的優良讀本,對於高行健文字的技巧能有 深刻體會,你會好奇為什麼有人可以用這麼少的文字表現出經過洗鍊的內涵。另外《當代小說技巧初探》是他流亡前的早期作品,應該也是本不錯的參考書,我現在 還沒有辦法弄到。

高行健的《靈山》,《一個人的聖經》等書還沒有辦法在大陸出版,所以許多大陸人就搞出了電子版放在網路上供人下載,可見 所謂"互聯網"可能會帶給中國人改 革的希望。雖然中國官方已經開始箝制許多國外的網站進入中國,新華網也不斷的繼續進行愚民媒體傳播。但是,從韓少功的評論中,可以感受到中國內許多知識份 子對於政府的作為也是有不滿的,希望中國能夠往更好的方向發展,對於自己或對於世界都是一件好事。



  高行健从八十年代起活跃于中国大陆文坛,九十年代主要在法国从事戏剧的写作和导演活动,可能不为中国年轻一辈读者了解。他是一位有成就的剧作 家、小说家、文艺理论家,获得诺贝尔文学奖值得我们祝贺。第一个要主要用中文写作的作家获诺贝尔奖,也表明中文写作正在世界文明进程中有越来越大的影响, 这是一件好事。


  像大多数评奖一样,评定诺贝尔奖历来都难免政治因素介入其中。中国根据自己的国情从事改革和建设,不需要从任何机构领取政治指令。但人们即便不 赞成诺贝尔奖所体现的政治倾向,也不能因噎废食,不能因政治废文学。连周作人的作品眼下在中国都大量印刷发行并广受好评,为什么一个高行健就不可以接受 呢?很多政治倾向与中国主流标准不符的外国作家在获得诺贝尔奖或其它奖以后,都在中国受到普遍的推介和尊敬,为什么一个同胞、一个华裔作家反而就不能受到 同等的宽容和善待



第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的中 国作家高行健,十二月十日下午在斯德哥尔摩获颁诺贝尔文学奖之前接受台湾联合报系专访。在访谈中,高行健特别感谢他的父母及所有支持他的朋友,因为父母为 他取了一个好名字,因为大家不辞辛劳地翻译、出版、评介他的作品,将他和读者连系在一起,让他的努力有所回报。以下是专访摘要。(軒:我做了再一次的摘錄)
  答:廿世纪的现代文学中,流亡作家是一个很重要的现象,从俄国革命到两次大战,造成许多作家、艺术家不得不逃避的困境。逃亡的经验也许给他们带来另一 种丰富性,但主要是继续写自己的东西。反观中国的文人,尤其在近半个世纪的大陆,文人总是在情况好的时候做英雄,环境变了便成为受害人,为什么不找出第三 条路呢?因为政局的变化永远是最不稳而暂时的,而文学是千秋的事业。
  答:由于家庭环境的关系,我和西方文学的接触非常早,小时候就读安徒生童话的中文译本,以及跳译的英文冒险故事,上中学时发现法国文学,当时的一些最 新翻译,莫泊桑、巴尔札克、左拉、亚纳多弗朗斯和罗曼罗兰,都是我喜欢的作家,当代文学是被禁的,因此没有译本。为此我感觉绝对有必要学一种外文。我要知 道今天在中国以外的地方发生了什么事,人们在做些什么,想些什么,有那些作品。

好站推薦: 文學視界


Karajan Beethoven Symphony no 1-9 Gold 1982-1985

最近正好辛蒂上有人找到了這個1G左右的貝多芬全集版本,這個版本我之前有買了No 5&6和NO 3+Egmont Overture這兩片,印象十分深刻,也讓我對卡老的印象非常非常的好。

不 過辛蒂上有人說卡老這個版本的錄音太過花俏,建議也聽比較早的版本,我現在還沒有找到,不過我覺得這個錄音真的十分的"華麗",花俏我就不是很確定了。不 過現在貝多芬的交響曲作品錄音汗牛充棟,我聽過最好的還是這個版本,音色完美,詮釋十分有力,非常有貝多芬sf突強的感覺,對於慢板的處理也十分細膩,弦 樂部十分厚實,整體來說個人認為幾乎是完美之作。


Wednesday, July 20, 2005




报告称,中国如今并没有面临来自另一国的直接威胁,但却继续投入巨资加强军力,特别是实施旨在增强军事投放能力的 计划。中国军力增强的速度和规模目前已使地区军力平衡有被打破的危险。报告同时还称,中国向周边以外地区投放常规军事力量的能力仍然有限,但从长期而言, 如果目前的趋势继续下去,那么中国的军事能力可能会对在该地区活动的其他国家的现代化军队构成确实有效的威胁。

报告蓄意夸大台湾海峡两岸军事实力之优劣,并声称,中国已经在台湾对岸部署了650到730枚短程弹道导 弹,并且在以每年大约100枚的速度增加部署。由于中国持续的经济增长、日益增强的外交影响力以及中国人民解放军军事能力的加强,台海军力平衡似乎在朝大 陆一边倾斜。

报告还说,中国迅速崛起为具有全球抱负的地区政治经济大国是东亚巨变的一个主要方面。中国崛起对本地区和 世界具有重大影响。美国欢迎一个和平、繁荣和在国际社会中发挥建设性作用的中国的崛起。但报告同时声称,中国目前处于一个战略十字路口,还没有走上一条已 经确定而不可改变的道路。

此间分析人士注意到,美国防部这份报告是在一段时间以来美国一 些人再次大肆散布“中国威胁论”的背景下出炉的,与中美关系的总体发展状况并不合拍。美国总统布什19日早些时候曾说,美中两国的关系是复杂的,但也是良 好的,而且“非常重要,非常有活力”。

Google 再次挖角成功

Google 大神威力無限啊,再次從M$那裡挖角成功了,看來Google魅力短時間內應該還不會退燒吧~~不過從從之前的Scientific American得知,許多更好的技術都正在研發當中,像是mooter等等,雖然現在還不成熟,但很可能哪一天突然冒出來把google幹掉,開創另外 一種生態也說不一定,不知道該不該期待google在我完成學業後還是一個有活力的公司 ^^

不過從文章中得知他在微軟的工作有包括MSN search,裡面有目前google已經領先的desktop search技術,真巧,我今天剛裝了google desktop search,目前正在試用階段,期待這個聽起來很強大的東西能夠帶給我一些震撼。

Google grabs top Microsoft exec for China lab

Source: National Business Review (Slightly Extracted)

When Google announced yesterday that it had hired a top Microsoft executive, Kai-Fu Lee, to head up its nascent R&D facility in China, Microsoft said the search giant had violated an unwritten code of conduct that requires corporate poachers to stomp loudly around in the woods when hunting -- and filed a lawsuit [click for copy of the complaint, courtesy Siliconbeat].

First, the good news for Google: Dr Lee is quite a catch, as a quick read of Microsoft's complaint against him will attest.

The highest ranking Microsoft executive to defect from Redmond to Mountain View, Dr Lee served until earlier this month as corporate vice president of the Natural Interactive Services Division (NISD), where he was responsible for the development of technologies and services to make user interfaces simpler and more natural. Under that umbrella, Dr Lee was working the point for Microsoft in a number of key areas known to be of high interest to Google, including speech technologies, natural language use and advanced search and help.

According to the complaint, Dr Lee was directly responsible for the development of MSN search -- including its desktop search tool, which was an area pioneered by Google.

Google's hire names him as the company's vice President for engineering and president of Google China, where he will oversee the opening of a product research and development centre in an as-yet unnamed city.

That's something he will know how to do because he did virtually the same thing for Microsoft, where, beginning in 1998, he founded Microsoft Research Asia, located in Beijing.

The Microsoft China R&D centre is now widely acknowledged to be among the premiere technology R&D centres in the world, holding, as Microsoft says, "a prolific publication and product transfer record."

According to the Seattle Times, Microsoft had known before the event that Dr Lee was heading over to Google, but got a terrific shock when they found out -- from Google's press release on the hire -- what he'd been hired to do.

"The job they hired him to do is absolutely in direct competition with the work he was doing at Microsoft," Microsoft lawyer Tom Burt told the Seattle Times. "Not only is it at a competitor, it's directly competitive work."

What's at issue may not be just the fact that Dr Lee will head up a China-based R&D centre but more about his immediately past leadership role on Microsoft search tools and the depth of his familiarity with Microsoft's business strategies for China. Billions will ride on the success each company has in tooling up for Chinese users, and the R&D centres are likely to be competing in a very specialised way.

Microsoft said in the lawsuit it filed only hours after the announcement that it was moving to protect its intellectual property.

"We are asking the Court to require Dr Lee and Google to honor the confidentiality and non-competition agreements he signed when he began working for Microsoft.

"Creating intellectual property is the essence of what we do at Microsoft, and we have a responsibility to our employees and our shareholders to protect our intellectual property.

"As a senior executive, Dr Lee has direct knowledge of Microsoft’s trade secrets concerning search technologies and China business strategies.

"He has accepted a position focused on the same set of technologies and strategies for a direct competitor in egregious violation of his explicit contractual obligations," Microsoft said.







Tuesday, July 19, 2005


1. 不能重複使用轉診單,一個持續療程只在第一次折扣
2. 在診所就醫再到地區醫院就醫,付出兩次掛號費加上兩次部份負擔(100+100+140+50=390),比直接去地區醫院看還貴(100+240=340),完全沒有轉診的必要
3. (還沒有發現 待續)




我拿轉診單看耳鼻喉科,醫師用醫院的電腦系統竟然找不到診所代碼,護士打電話到各處詢問,虛耗不少時間;耳鼻喉科醫師看不出個所以然,建議我轉到神經內科檢查,而這時發現轉診單只能使用一次!所以我到神經內科必須受到"未轉診懲罰 ",極為不合理,老媽找資訊服務處理論,填了一張意見申訴表,影印下來準備要追蹤退費,不過我覺得就我們政府的狀況可能直接被丟到回收筒裡去了吧......

我一開始的感覺是政府官員怎麼如此愚蠢啊,竟然這麼簡單的問題都沒有發現,然後負責的護士阿姨就說當時開會的時候他有向上層反映,但是上面的認為這是醫療 人員想太多,沒這回事而擱置;想了一下之後,我覺得官員不笨,他們想要賺多一點錢,但是手段實在是太拙劣了,把民眾當白癡,以為這種價錢上的不合理我們會 看不出來?

追根究底應該是台灣的稅制出了問題,許多擁有上億資產的金控公司,一年繳的稅是王永慶一個人的十分之一,而政府無能為力?政府倒是對於小市民的所得稅看的 很緊,誤差超過一點單子就來了。但是資本主義國家的資產有一大部份掌握在企業手中,政府不去挖全國年收入那塊企業界的大餅,反倒是一直在小老百姓這塊小餅 上錙銖必較,這樣國家財政不會惡化才怪。

台灣受到美國太多的壓力了,許多企業都有外資投資經營,美國當然不希望他們的資金被台灣政府吸走,所以想盡辦法影響台灣的立法,我最近在研究的智慧財產相 關法律就是個很好的例子。台灣需要有魄力的政治家進行於美國和中國之間的斡旋,像銀河英雄傳說裡面的費沙一樣,擁有自己的一套規則,而不屈服於大國的威 脅,真的希望台灣能爭取到自己的尊嚴,真的希望

Google Adsense Joined

各位可以看到在sidebar最下面出現了search box了吧,沒事就去搜尋搜尋按按廣告吧,如果你的網站上也有adsense歡迎留個comment讓我知道喔 (雖然現在台灣google的廣告很粗糙,見下段)

Adsense現在做了更動,變成用banner來廣告了,不過banner只適用於幾個區域,台灣還沒有支援,只能用search box,算是過渡階段吧~~ search box 要賺到 100 USD 大概要n年......
期待Adsense for content在台灣上線~~

不過台灣的google廣告真的很少耶 大部分都是ebay和yahoo的 看來台灣的公司還沒有進入這個新的廣告潮流

MRI Exam

最近要去做MRI檢查 所以去查了一些資料 發現了以前搞錯的觀念
原來顯影劑適用在CT Scan,而且是Optional的,MRI並不需要...嗯嗯

MRI Exam Guide


Many readers of this hypertext book have asked what they can expect during their first MRI exam. This chapter is intended to help those readers prepare for their MRI exam. Although some familiarity with the preceding chapters of this text is recommended, it is not essential to understand this chapter. Your MRI exam may not proceed exactly as described here, but it will be similar enough so that this description will help you prepare for your exam.

Your MRI will be performed at a location which will be referred to as the MRI Center. When you first arrive at an MRI Center, you will report to the reception/waiting room. Here you will check in and fill out any necessary paperwork for your exam.

Jewelry, watches, coins, keys, and credit cards are incompatible with the magnetic resonance imaging procedure. You will need to leave these items at home or leave them in a locker provided in a dressing room at the MRI Center. These objects can be attracted by the magnet on the imager or distort the images. Here is a picture of a metal belt buckle being attracted by the magnetic field of the imager. There is clearly a large force pulling the belt buckle into the magnetic field. Alternatively these objects can inhibit radio frequency waves from getting into the body and thus produce distorted images. Certain articles of clothing, such as metal zippers, rivets, wires, and belt buckles, are incompatible with the imaging procedure for the same reasons. You will need to leave these items of clothing in the lockers and change into an imaging gown which contains no metal.

The MRI Center also has nursing, scan, control, computer, and reading rooms. You will only see the nursing area if you require special nursing assistance, for example if you have an intravenous line for medication. The scan room is where the imager is located and is where you will be for your exam. The technologists operate the imager from the control room. The computer room is where the imaging hardware and computer are located. The last room is called the reading room. This room consists of large light boxes on which a radiologist will read your images.

In addition to the receptionist who greeted you when you arrived, there are many individuals working as a team to make your MRI exam happen. A MRI nurse will take care of your nursing needs which might include administration of any medications or contrast agents that you may need. A MRI technologist will interact with you during your scan. The technologist will take you in and out of the scanner as well as operate the scanner. A radiologist will prescribe which imaging sequences are to be used to record the magnetic resonance images, and will read or interpret the images. Many other individuals work behind the scenes to make the center functions properly. You will most likely not meet these individuals, but they include the custodial staff, service engineers, and scientists, all of whom keep the imager clean and functioning properly.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Strike Freedom


Thursday, July 14, 2005





“黑 衣人”突擊隊是法國國家憲兵特勤隊(GIGN)的俗稱,它是一支專門從事于反恐 怖活動的特种突擊隊,誕生于世界恐怖活動猖獗的70年代,創始人布魯托中尉是個傳奇人物,他不但對犯罪心理學頗有研究,厭惡使用暴力手段,而且還是一名東 方武功高手,精通各种械斗和徒手格斗。他認為,兵在精而不在多,胜在謀而不在勇,特別是在反恐怖活動中,需要的并不是力量無比、敢于沖殺的猛士,而是經驗 丰富、老練沉著的勇士。

   所以,這支部隊剛組建時只有布魯托和15名軍士,編為3個行動小組, 每組5人,年齡在25-40歲之間,而且都有家庭和孩子。1976年,這支部隊的編制擴大到兩名軍官和40名軍士,編成3個突擊小分隊和1個本部,每個小 分隊編有2個5人行動小組、一名小分隊指揮員和1名軍犬員,指揮官仍是布魯托。1984年,率隊南征北戰十余載的布魯托光榮引退,由智勇雙全的勒戈爾米任 隊長,同時擴編到54人,其中軍官4人,軍士50人,編為4個突擊小分隊和1個本部。由于他們在執行任務時,總是穿著一身黑衣,所以人們稱他們是“黑衣 人”突擊隊。

  法國國家憲兵特勤隊(GIGN)的訓練是 异常艱苦和嚴格的,与其他國家的特种訓練相 比有過之而無不及。隊員們經過嚴寒酷暑不間斷地各种訓練,個個都是一名多面手,一名突擊隊員不但是跳傘員、“蛙人”、登山運動員、高速駕駛員、特等射手、 拳擊手、爆破專家,還要通曉法律學、犯罪心理學、語言學、電子學、机械工程、彈道學等多門知識。



真希望台灣也有這種單位成立。我今天聽談話節目才知道,原 來圍捕張錫銘的警力中許多人是從不同單位徵調而來的,所以彼此並不認識,敵我判斷大有問題;好像之前還有警察以為張錫銘是別的單位的人而向他打招呼,結果 讓張錫銘逃脫的事發生。很久以前我看Discovery有提到,一個訓練有素的攻堅部隊必須在數秒內完成突入室內,辨別敵我,制服敵人的連續動作。明顯的 台灣警察沒有做到這點,這也是體制上的缺陷吧,希望有關單位能正視訓練組織的重要性,而不要丟些沒用的裝甲車了事

法国国家宪兵特勤队(GIGN), 是一支由百里挑一的法国军中精英组成的特战部队,号称“凯旋门前的利剑”,专门从事反恐特别行动。GIGN成立31年来,已执行了数百次或秘密或公开的特 殊任务。1994年,GIGN在马赛国际机场一战成名。此战,GIGN成功地从一伙阿尔及利亚恐怖分子手中,将一架满载乘客的法航客机解救出来。行动次 日,GIGN全体队员受到了时任法国总统密特郎的接见。密特郎表示:“GIGN创造的奇迹,为法兰西赢得了荣誉。”


貞觀政要 卷五 論仁義 摘錄


王之渙 登鸛雀樓

徐丽 字俏,号丽州墨女,古风堂书画社社长兼总经理。




Wednesday, July 13, 2005





搜 捕頭號槍擊要犯張錫銘的警方獵龍專案小組,今天上午出動125名優勢警 力,由裝甲車撞開鐵捲門,攻入張錫銘躲藏的台中縣沙鹿鎮中興路民宅,雙方爆發激烈槍戰,張錫銘兩臂中彈,綽號「阿呆」的黨羽林泰亨頸部受傷,雙雙落網。警 方霹靂小組隊長唐嘉仁也遭跳彈劃過掛彩,警匪三人送醫急救後都無生命危險

3 Trains Collide in Pakistan, Killing at Least 118

火車真的安全嗎?這可不見得。 龐大的車身使停下火車十分困難,撞擊時會造成撞擊處車身擠壓,附近的乘客死傷將會十分慘重。



Three trains crashed in a deadly chain-reaction after a train driver misread a signal in southern Pakistan early Wednesday, killing at least 118 people and injuring hundreds more in the country's worst crash in more than a decade, police and railway officials said.

''The crash occurred because of misreading of a signal by the driver of Karachi Express and it rammed the Quetta Express, which was not moving,'' Awan told AP.

Brig. Javed Iqbal Cheema, the national crisis manager at the Interior Ministry, ruled out sabotage, saying the crash was ''a pure accident.''

The accident occurred at about 4 a.m. near Ghotki, some 370 miles northeast of Karachi, in remote Sindh province. The initial collision derailed at least three carriages onto another track where they were struck by the third train, causing further derailment, said Abdul Aziz, a senior controller at Pakistan Railways.

In all, some 13 cars derailed.

Chaudhry Nazir Ahmed, a railroad official in Ghotki, said about a thousand people were believed to be traveling on the three trains.

Some 30 bodies and over 100 injured people were taken to the Civil Hospital in the nearby town of Sukkur, said Iqbal Ahmed, a doctor there. He said at least 12 people were in critical condition, some with lost limbs or massive head injuries.

Pakistan's railways are antiquated, and there have been many accidents in recent years -- including several at Ghotki -- blamed often on faulty equipment or human error.

A train carrying 800 passengers from Karachi to Lahore slammed into a parked freight train at Ghotki on June 8, 1991, killing more than 100 people. Authorities blamed staff negligence for that accident.

In December 1989, a train crash near Sangi, a town 35 miles from Ghotki, killed 400 people.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


歌聲真的很純,高音與帕華洛帝等歐陸男高音不同,算是比較緊緻細膩的風格。錄製的都偏向流行曲風,這是美中不足的地方,我很想多聽一些他唱古典歌劇的錄 音,畢竟他是科班出身的,變成像Maksim那樣實在是一種浪費,也降低了可聽度。我只有<莎莉花園>這一片,Misty Moon我還找不到,期待能多聽到他的音樂~~

林亨柱 月光傳說

『朦朧月夜裡 月牙兒吐露著微微光芒 籠罩了霧色濛濛的海岸線 遠處的崖上 有個情傷的女孩 與月相望 思念著男孩 浪潮無情地拍打 女孩盼不到男孩的歸來 日復一日 女孩把自己盼成了一朵孤單的花蕊 生生世世的等待著…』

  林亨柱將這個悽美的月光傳說,幻化成輕盈飛翔的樂音,娓娓道出『何月歌』,此次,林亨柱展現了他動人的文筆,親自寫詞,而這首歌正是由曾為米希亞寫 「大和拜金女」主題曲的日本名作曲家松本俊明,為他量身訂作而寫的。在林亨柱純淨的完美歌喉和深刻的演繹功力,讓您聽了不禁想起自己的初戀那般,心中微甜 又隱隱作痛。這首歌也讓擁有百萬銷量的情歌王子張信哲驚為天人,對『何月歌』一曲愛不釋手,指定要翻唱此曲,並重新演繹為睽違三年,獻給歌迷的第一首歌 『白月光』。

  月的美麗總是帶給人們無限的遐想,於是古今中外無數關於月亮的傳說與情歌誕生了,許多情感,希望透過月娘的魔力,告訴心中的那個人,像是專輯中收錄的 林亨柱以中文演唱偶像鄧麗君的『月亮代表我的心』,法蘭辛納屈的招牌經典『帶我飛往月球Fly Me To The Moon』、西洋名曲『月河Moon River』,隨著時空的轉換,至今依舊陪著人們歡樂喜悅、或撫慰心靈。林亨柱,一出道便以魅人的神秘氛圍、中性的優雅氣質,吸引眾人的目光,宛若伴著月 光降臨凡間的小王子,這些關於月兒的情歌,由他澄淨淳美無雜質的天籟之音詮釋起來,少了一份世故,多了一種清新的悸動。

  林亨柱宛若天使的天籟歌聲,清澄寧靜的嗓音隔絕了世俗的喧鬧吵雜,在『聖善夜Oh!Holy Night』、『奇異恩典Amazing Grace』中,您將感受到心靈洗滌的澎湃;在瑪丹娜『你會懂的You’ll See』和披頭四『戀人協奏曲A Lover’s Concerto』中,林亨柱以他水晶般清澈的嗓音為顏料,將歌曲抹上全新的色彩。

  在這張向月亮祈願的專輯中,林亨柱說:「慢慢的走進來,來到雲霧迷漫的月光庭園。在這裡沒有悲傷、痛苦、恨。為了撫慰你那受創的靈魂,因而存在著的月 光庭園,希望你能在此得到寧靜與詳和。」林亨柱溫暖動人的歌聲,讓我們的身心得以休憩,希望在聆聽他剔透無瑕的樂音時,讓您嘴角不禁浮起幸福的微笑。

林亨柱 莎莉花園

~ 自1920年以來就失傳的高男高音色 ~
多明哥 讚賞林亨柱 ~ 猶如天上降臨人間的聲音 ~
帕華洛帝的經紀人 伊莎貝爾沃夫 ~ 他擁有真正不可思議的嗓音 ~
安德烈波伽利的經紀人 東尼盧梭 ~ 林亨柱的聲音如水晶般清澈 ~

2003 年襲捲全韓的17歲奇蹟歌手─林亨柱,以魅人的神秘氛圍與充滿力道的完美歌喉,在韓國一出道便造成一股旋風,流行美聲專輯「莎莉花園」在韓國 狂賣超過三十萬張,是難得一見的超級賣座專輯。而在韓國古典榜蟬連二十五週冠軍寶座的成績,更是前無古人的記錄。2003年4月受邀於韓國總統盧武鉉就職 典禮上擔綱國歌獻唱之大任,5月於日韓世界杯週年紀念演唱會上演出,讓全場觀眾驚豔。6月於卡內基音樂廳舉行獨唱公演,在紐約樂界獲得高度評價,也成為卡 內基廳有史以來最年輕的獨唱音樂家。

  「亞洲美聲小王子」林亨柱,1986年出生於漢城,15歲時到美國就讀,他已是茱莉亞音樂學院的 先修班學生。他從小就展現了過人的才華,在大大小小的 音樂比賽中,得獎無數。林亨柱的外表帶著中性的優雅氣質,宛若小說人物「小王子」再現,而他那宛若北國天使降臨凡間,澄淨淳美無雜質的天籟之音,也受到了 不止是韓國,而是全世界的肯定。

  林亨柱的聲音被公認為「自1920年以來就失傳的高男高音色」。他曾經在偉大的男高音多明哥前獻唱, 多明哥形容他的聲音為:「猶如天上降臨人間的聲 音」、「他會是安德烈波伽利的接班人」;帕華洛帝的經紀人伊莎貝爾沃夫說「他擁有真正不可思議的嗓音」;美國學院派人士說他是「可以撼動靈魂深處的男高 音」;民謠大師巴布狄倫(Bob Dylan)在一個派對中聽到了林亨柱演唱「聖哉瑪麗亞Ave Maria」動人的歌聲,都忍不住要跟他要簽名。

   他在「莎莉花園」專輯中的演唱風格是現今的古典跨界音樂主流,也就是Popera (Pop+Opera)「流行美聲」,以流行的手法包裝美聲曲,以美聲的演譯方式詮釋流行歌曲,他說:『當音樂不被人們所聆聽時,它就不叫音樂。所以我選 擇人們所想聽的音樂』,從「莎莉花園」專輯席捲整個韓國看來,林亨柱的選擇,正是歌迷們獨一無二的選擇。

1. Ave Maria 聖哉瑪麗亞 (Caccini版改編)
2. The Salley Gardens 莎莉花園
3. Let beauty awake 美麗甦醒
4. She was beautiful 美麗如她
5. Tonight 今夜
6. Over the rainbow 彩虹彼端
7. The water is wide 大河戀
8. Here there and everywhere 這兒 那兒 每個角落
9. Once upon a dream 曾在夢中
10. Don’t cry for me Argentina 阿根廷別為我哭泣
11. O del mio amato ben 噢 我親愛的
12. Ave Maria 聖哉瑪麗亞(Caccini古典版)
13. Haruyo, koi 春天來吧 (松任谷由實NHK日劇名曲)
14. Misty Moon 月之庭


發行日期 : 2005-03-22

英文專輯名稱 : Yo-Yo Ma - Silk Road Journeys: Beyond the Horizon

馬友友、絲路合奏團 跨越時空的感動 新絲路魅惑之音

◎超級的音響效果!國內六大音樂音響雜誌-音響論壇、DVD Info、高傳真、新視聽、音響城邦、AV Choice一致推薦!


25 年前NHK籌拍的記錄片特集《絲綢之路》中,喜多郎創作的主題曲感動了千千萬萬的觀眾,直到今天都還是經典中的經典;25年之後,NHK再度回到絲 路,以高畫質電視重新拍攝《新.絲綢之路》,這次請到馬友友擔任音樂總監,和絲路合奏團來自世界各地頂尖的民族音樂大師們齊聚一堂,為十集的電視特集共同 創作44首配樂。這張專輯便是其中的精選作品。




1. 第一部 魅惑-魅惑
2. 第一部 魅惑-綠洲之夢
3. 第一部 魅惑-遙遠的綠谷
4. 第一部 魅惑-阿哈卡拉基之舞
5. 第一部 魅惑-荒城迴響
6. 第二部 尋根-遠山群峰
7. 第二部 尋根-燕子
8. 第二部 尋根-遙想的戰火
9. 第二部 尋根-草原之夏(牧歌)
10. 第三部 新生-盲眼阿拉伯青年
11. 第三部 新生-吟遊者之歌
12. 第三部 新生-喀喇凡塞萊之夜
13. 第三部 新生-萬馬奔騰
14. 第三部 新生-河之潮
15. 第三部 新生-慶雲樂

Monday, July 11, 2005





GPX Cyber Formula


Sunday, July 10, 2005


有在看這個blog的朋友,有控請按comment留個言讓我知道你有在看喔 ^-^

Saturday, July 09, 2005

周傳雄 星空下的傳說




Thursday, July 07, 2005




如果我轉失敗了 真的就要在資工系過完大學生涯嗎?
雖然想過這個問題 也有幾套解決方法產生 但是一直無法得出結論




期末考果然徹底爆掉了 徹徹底底
還好當時沒有去看考卷 不然就要萬念俱灰 了無生趣了
功敗垂成....至少我努力過了 只能怪我考運不好身體也不好

越想要考好就越容易搞砸 這大概是我最常碰到的狀況吧

我不要被打倒 我不要被打倒

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

New Photo

這張George W. Bush 的相片真的頗有笑點(就我看來啦)
美國總統可以這麼憨嗎~~ ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭


(~ ̄▽ ̄~)

ZIP versus RAR

The main advantage of ZIP format is its popularity. ZIP file format was developed a long time ago and perhaps it is still the most known archive type, so a large part of Internet archives are ZIP files. But many important RAR format features (recovery records, Unicode names, strong AES encryption, etc.) are missing in ZIP. RAR archives usually provide a noticeably higher compression ratio than ZIP file format.

RAR versus ZIP

Comparing to ZIP file format, RAR provides a number of advanced features: more convenient multipart (multivolume) archives, tight compression including special solid, multimedia and text modes, strong AES-128 encryption, recovery records helping to repair an archive even in case of physical data damage, Unicode support to process non-English file names and a lot more.

用了這麼久的rar 其實從來沒有搞懂過rar到底哪裡比zip好(汗~)

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


鼻炎又發作了 昨天還發燒 整晚猛灌水 燒退了之後鼻子痛的睡不著 結果一早起來看電視看了好幾部電影......

去看醫生時在螢幕上看到內視鏡所照出的狀況 鼻子內部腫的非常厲害 紅紅的一塊一塊

去打了兩桶針 一開始針刺下去沒有找到血管位置 痛到我都快吐了 打完了一桶才發現.....
以前沒有碰過這種狀況..... 第一次打針痛成這樣XD

要吃十天藥才能好..... 天啊~~

剛剛看到 分數的分布頗為特別

學號 姓名 Mid Final HW1 HW2 HW3 HW4 HW5 HW6
b93902021 李世軒 77 87.5 A b+ A a A a






Monday, July 04, 2005

決心 決心~~

為了宣示我減重的決心 我考慮提前剃光頭
以方便打球、游泳 ..........

THE POWER GAME by Hedrick Smith


想要進入政界改變些東西 成功與否與讀政治理論應該沒友直接的關係

空有理想只能成為學者 徒具手段只會變成政客
除了理想 也要有力量