Monday, September 26, 2005

Vecchi's L'Amfiparnaso

Naxos Music Library是圖書館訂購的網路五人版音樂資料庫





聽起來的感覺很像Robert Shaw的水手號子(我忘了專輯名稱)


Thursday, September 22, 2005

9/22 日記

進度敎完就下課,好啊~~ 比較可以接受^^


我就到書林去買HOW TO ENJOY OPERA,然後好像又miss掉一班



到學校後先到219掛B 10分鐘,然後前往視聽小劇場





到學校後先到219掛B 10分鐘,然後前往視聽小劇場




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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Wikibooks: Mathematics

Discrete Mathematics

Linear Algebra

Game Theory

Wikibooks: Algorithms


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

D Day TO Berlin


故事是以艾森豪打賭五個月內盟軍可以攻佔柏林開始,第一部主要是敘述英軍在諾曼地東側登陸,計畫以攻陷要地康城來吸引德軍注意力,讓美軍可以從西 面突破。 但是蒙哥馬利碰到的對手是在北非交過手的隆美爾,雖然希特勒拒絕了隆美爾要求的額外機動部隊,還有完全沒有空中武力的情況下,隆美爾還是讓英軍陷入苦戰, 並且曾經在一次成功的誘敵行動中摧毀的英軍登陸的400輛戰車,幾乎是英軍當時的所有了。不過在一次德軍軍官試圖暗殺希特勒的行動失敗後,希特勒為了整肅 內部,命令與自己意見不合的隆美爾自殺,派在東線有豐富作戰經驗的手下接替,雖然這位指揮官知道前線的物資已經到了極限了,卻不敢向希特勒建議撤退,結果 在盟軍的連續轟炸下以及彈藥食物的嚴重不足下,德軍徹底潰敗,而西線的美軍也順利突破德軍防線,在數週內便佔領了巴黎,甚至比預期的還早,而這是全是蒙哥 馬利的大君主作戰(Overlord Operation)的功勞。

在一片大好的樂觀氣氛中,盟軍面臨了橫越萊茵河的問題,油料的不足使得戰線停滯在萊茵何附近,蒙哥馬利建議艾森豪集中單線支援英軍進攻荷蘭,佔領安恆橋 樑,魯爾工業區、柏林就在眼前。艾森豪面對國內選舉的壓力,拒絕全力支援英軍,而派遣以巴頓的第三軍為首的美軍進攻著名的馬其諾防線。最後,市場花園計畫 徹底失敗,空降在萊茵河對面的英軍幾乎全軍覆沒,而這部紀錄片將原因歸咎於油料的不足,使得裝甲師停滯無法前進,導致英軍傘兵豪無支援。不過由band of brothers這部影集中Market Garden Operation的敘述,得知裝甲部隊在與美軍空降部隊會合後,便受到出乎意料強大的SS裝甲師(從諾曼第戰役中逃出的部隊)伏擊,潰敗而逃。

最後,德軍在Buldge的突襲,將美軍打的落花流水,統帥部緊急調派只有輕裝備的101師到巴斯通做最後防線,在緊急的作戰會議中,巴頓誇口在數日內就 可趕到戰場將德軍擊敗,影片似乎暗示這只是巴頓狂妄自大的說法而已,到底有沒有這麼快,可能要仔細查一查了。總之,巴頓還是在德軍的側面發動了攻擊,切斷 了德軍的補給,德軍潰敗的慘況比諾曼第有過之而無不及。不過,紀錄片說到,德軍採用的戰法便是蒙哥馬利強烈建議的集中兵力打擊單一區域,而為什麼柏林會被 蘇聯搶先占領,可說是美國人與英國人的聯盟明爭暗鬥的結果。

這部紀錄片與我以前看到有關二戰的文獻資料大有不同,以前我看到的資料,都是貶低蒙哥馬利的個性與領導才能,評價他為頑固不知變通的老軍人,而這部片倒是 幾乎沒有提到蒙哥馬利的策略有什麼重大的缺失,而把所有的責任都推到盟軍內部的戰爭身上,雖然我不知道哪以個說法比較貼近事實,至少這部片展示了歷史可以 完全不同的方式被理解,而事實卻可能永遠無法知道的道理。

Very CD

因為最後並沒有下載 我也漸漸忘了VeryCD的存在
直到最近我又重新注意到了Very CD的電子書庫

1. 有聲書 => 非常豐富啊,尤其有優美北京腔的有聲書一般真是難以搜尋到啊
2. 電子書 => 很少有論壇在做整理的,這裡就很方便,雜誌也是目前看到最多的
3. 電影 => 天與地這種古早片都搜的到了,我就不用多說了


Thursday, September 08, 2005

蘇打綠 同名專輯


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Ferrari and Schumacher face end of an era in a disappointing season

When asked in an interview here in the summer of 1998 about his ambitions at Ferrari, Michael Schumacher said he wanted not only to win the Formula One title but also to create a Ferrari era.

"As McLaren was the team of the '80s, Williams the team of the '90s, it would be fantastic if Ferrari could become the team of the 2000s," he said. "That is what I would like to do together with them; not just bring it there, but then take the advantage of it."
It sounded a bit farfetched as Ferrari had not won a drivers' title since 1979 or a team title since 1983. But in 1999 it finally won the constructors' title, and from 2000 to 2004, Ferrari and Schumacher won them all, building the longest period of domination by any team in the 55-year history of the sport.

This weekend, Ferrari returns to Monza for the Italian Grand Prix with practically no chance to win anything and faced with the departure of key personnel that hearkens an end of that era.
"In years past we arrived at Monza close to clinching the championship and fighting for victory," Schumacher said, "but this time I'm not even sure whether we will make the podium."
For Schumacher Sunday's race is the last chance to stay in the battle with Fernando Alonso and Kimi Raikkonen, as he lies 40 points behind the Spaniard with five races left. But he has lost hope.

"I'm a realist, and some races ago I pretty much knew that it's no longer possible to fight for the championship, and especially after Turkey," Schumacher said in Monza on Thursday.
Indeed, after the Turkish Grand Prix two weeks ago, when the team failed to score any points, Jean Todt, the team director, said the reason was the same one that had plagued their whole season: "chronic lack of grip."

He said this week that it was the season's new tire rule, which requires the same tire to be used throughout the race, that had stumped their tire supplier, Bridgestone.

The team's only victory this season, and the only time the two other Bridgestone teams - Minardi and Jordan - scored points, was at the nonrace at Indianapolis in June, when all the Michelin teams withdrew with flawed tires.

But many Formula One observers say that in a way Ferrari got what it deserved. The key to the team's domination had been its close relationship with Bridgestone, which focused entirely on designing tires for Ferrari, a practice that alienated other Bridgestone teams.

One by one, the other teams defected to Michelin. Bridgestone was left with only three teams to cull testing data from as it developed new tires; Michelin had seven. Not even Ferrari's refusal to adhere to cost-cutting test reduction agreed to by the rest of the teams has saved it.

But the tire problem may also be a convenient mask for a deeper, problem. This year's Ferrari is the first since 1996 not designed by Rory Byrne, the South African behind all of Schumacher's title-winning cars, at Ferrari and at Benetton in 1994 and 1995. The current car was the work of Aldo Costa, an Italian who is being groomed as a successor to Byrne after his retirement at the end of 2006.

That same date marks the conclusion of contracts held by Ross Brawn, the technical director - who was also at Benetton - Paolo Martinelli and Gilles Simon, the engine directors, and Todt.

Little is being said of the upset that prospect may be causing. And two of Schumacher's former teammates at Ferrari said in separate interviews that the team's problems can be traced to nothing other than the tires and that the other teams are simply improving.

"There's no way Ferrari made a car that bad," said Eddie Irvine, who drove for the team from 1996 to 1999 and is retired.

Mika Salo, who replaced Schumacher for six races in 1999 when Schumacher broke his leg and who now races for Ferrari's sports car subsidiary, Maserati, said Ferrari was working as hard as ever. He recalled how shocking a contrast that was for a driver when coming from a less successful team, as he did after working at Tyrrell, Arrows and BAR.

"It's a surprise when you come from the smaller teams and the not-so-successful teams to see how much effort goes on there and how many people are working, and how clear it is for everybody what job they have," he said. "There they were working in three shifts, day and night all the time; at normal teams where I was, work stopped at five and they came back to work at nine in the morning."

He added that the other teams are now also working much harder, and said that it was only natural that the team's - and Schumacher's, the longest of any driver - reign would come to an end.

"The young guys need a validation of beating Michael in a wheel-to-wheel race, which they will do now because they're younger, more committed probably than Michael is," Irvine said. "I'm not saying Michael's not committed, but he's 36. Wheel to wheel, the young guy's going to win, I have no doubt about that."

If it is the end of an era, though, Ferrari's key to its recent success - its long and glorious history - should see it to the top again, Irvine said.

"The history meant that someone like Todt would go work there," Irvine said. "The history was what convinced Michael Schumacher to go there."

He added: "It's what has been built up over 50 years, 60 years of motor racing."

Schumacher's Formula One Reign Ends

Michael Schumacher's five-year reign as Formula One's champion is over.

Schumacher's 10th-place finish in Sunday's Italian Grand Prix mathematically eliminated him from the championship race. Meanwhile, Fernando Alonso's second-place finish set up the possibility that the 24-year-old Spaniard could clinch this season's title at the Belgian GP next Sunday.

"The championship was obviously lost a while ago, but we have had a lot of good years before this one," said Schumacher, whose slim chances of staying in the championship hunt evaporated when he drove off track near the end of the race, causing damage to his car.

Monday, September 05, 2005

New Orleans 空照圖

水災前的New Orleans (2004/03/31)

水災時的New Orleans(2005/8/31)

Sunday, September 04, 2005


這次的紐奧良地區的風災後續可說是出乎所有人意料之外,發展成了無政府狀態。最近因為大西洋海水溫度週期性的大變化,造成颶風出現次數頻繁以及路徑特殊, 今年在邁阿密已經造成了許多災害,據說某些地區有80%以上的人無家可歸。不過一般說來美國方面的反應都算是有效率,都沒有發生什麼震驚國際的紕漏。

這次可鬧大了,整個紐奧良被湖水淹沒,政府必須疏散全部居民,連醫院都被清空,本來災難可以就此打住,只是在經濟上造成傷害而已,但是美國州政府與聯邦的聯繫與配合都有很大的遲緩現象,造成該區成為比GTA更血腥殘暴的地獄,我想已經有Postal 2的味道了。

我認為美國現在發生了一些問題將嚴重影響美國的未來發展:1. 參眾議院議程進度有明顯變慢,造成政策推動不力 2. 軍方派出過多資源(比如說Louisiana(or Mississippi, I can't remember)的國民兵有約一萬人部署在Iraq)到外地作戰,管理與補給問題消耗了大量行政資源,造成軍隊行政效率不彰的問題更加明顯 3. 美國人粗暴的一面經由電視畫面傳播給世界大眾,對美國的形象有重大傷害,我認為如此下去歐盟的形象將會凌駕於美國之上,這有助於歐洲取回世界領導者的地位

本來我是支持共和黨繼續執政的,不過經過了這次事件之後我的看法有了改變。我認為美國應該做這幾件事: 1. 在阿富汗和伊拉克撤軍,並且撤出不歡迎美軍地區的駐軍(如韓國日本) 2. 改善自己商業掛帥的形象,以更為文明的方式在國際舞台上演出 3. 減少涉入敏感國際事務,尊重聯合國,轉注進行國內政治經濟及文化道德的改革


National Guard Arrives in Chaotic New Orleans

Source: New York Times
As thousands of National Guard soldiers entered New Orleans on Friday to help restore order and deliver emergency supplies, Pentagon and Guard officials said the military's response had been slowed by a combination of physical obstacles created by the storm compounded by a cumbersome bureaucratic process for sending federal forces to assist in natural disasters.

State officials in Louisiana and Mississippi said they had overcome the absence of some 8,000 of their National Guard troops who are deployed to Iraq by drawing on Guard members from other states, but not until after the storm had passed and the magnitude of the emergency had become clear. Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré, commander of the joint task force coordinating military efforts in hurricane relief, defended the prestorm preparations by the National Guard and Pentagon, including the positioning of 10,000 National Guard troops in five Gulf Coast states.

But he acknowledged that the storm damage had caught military planners off guard. Floodwaters, debris-clogged streets and crippled communications hampered initial rescue efforts. States outside the most heavily damaged area held off sending more Guard members until the storm had passed. Even after the Guard reinforcements began arriving, he said it took a long time to load and dispatch relief trucks with supplies.

Bone-tired and beyond hungry, the victims of Hurricane Katrina let their emotions show when a National Guard convoy packed with food, water and medicine finally rolled through what once was New Orleans.

A crowd of nearly 20,000 stood outside the New Orleans Convention Center as at least three dozen camouflage-green troop vehicles and supply trucks arrived Friday along with dozens of air-conditioned buses to take refugees out of the city. President George W. Bush also took an aerial tour of the city and answered complaints about a sluggish government response by saying, "We're going to make it right."

But the slow evacuation of thousands of storm refugees inside the city's Superdome football arena stalled early Saturday. It was to have been completed by dawn, but buses stopped rolling shortly after midnight. There was no immediate explanation for the halt.

About 2,000 people remained in the stadium and could be there until Sunday, according to the Texas Air National Guard.