Wednesday, August 31, 2005

CD-R 回收處理技術









Taiwan man beaten to death outside Shanghai's nightclub

SHANGHAI, Aug. 30 (Xinhuanet) -- A man from Taiwan was beaten to death outside a nightclub in Shanghai Tuesday, local police said.

The tragedy happened in the early morning outside the Zunzun Nightclub in the suburb Nanhui District of Shanghai, police said.

Li Deyuan, a Taiwan resident, went to the nightclub Monday night with his father, elder brother and a friend who are doing business in Shanghai.

After paying the bill, they had a quarrel with the nightclub attendants and managers.

When the four went out of the nightclub, they were beaten by a group of unidentified people with tools.

At 00:13, someone called the police. When the police rushed to the scene, the group of unidentified people have run away, leaving the four wounded.

Li was badly injured and died in the hospital as an emergent operation failed.

The local police are now carrying an all-out investigation intothe case. Enditem

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

有趣的Gundam Seed 惡搞網站


這個很讚 第一部是穆懷疑瑪琉是調整者 (他瞄到胸部......)
第二部是穆被kira切成碎片 (Savior翻版)

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Martin Luther King

(King: 小朋友要開學囉)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Anti-war protesters anger local Texans

There have been tense scenes near United States President George W Bush's holiday ranch in Texas, where dozens of demonstrators have gathered to protest against the war in Iraq.

The demonstration is being led by Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq last year.

Mrs Sheehan says that unless President Bush agrees to meet her, she will maintain her vigil throughout his summer holiday at the ranch.

She will then go to Washington to wait outside the White House.

Her protest has angered some local residents in Texas.

Supporters of Mr Bush are holding a counter-protest nearby.

There have been frequent, angry confrontations between people supporting Mrs Sheehan and those in favour of the President outside his ranch.

A man in a truck knocked over many of the 800 white crosses erected by protesters to commemorate civilians and soldiers killed in Iraq.

The man has been arrested and charged.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005



Chilling effect 寒蝉效应

A chilling effect is a situation where speech or conduct is suppressed or limited by fear of penalization at the hands of an individual or group. For example, the threat of a costly and lengthy lawsuit might prompt self-censorship and have a chilling effect on free speech. In law, chilling effects refer to the stifling effect that vague or overbroad laws may have on legitimate speech and activity typically protected by the First Amendment.

Source: Wikipedia


沉「痾」- 形聲 - ㄜ,病
「杳」如黃鶴 - 會意 - ㄧㄠˇ、ㄇㄧㄠˇ,幽暗,深遠的
兵「燹」之禍 - 形聲 - ㄒㄧㄢˇ
羈「縻」政策 - 形聲 - ㄇㄧˊ,繫缚
寖 - 形聲 - ㄐㄧㄣˋ,漸漸地

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Gundam Seed Destiny Phase 43

值得紀念的一集 繼42集Shin被Freedom打敗後,這次Shin再次被Freedom壓制,而且兩度遭到Justice重擊,終於看到了Shin挫折的樣子,他會就此覺醒嗎?

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

China hits out at Taiwan's Chen for rejecting closer links

BEIJING (AFX) - China has hit out at Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian for sticking 'obstinately to his 'Taiwan independence' stance' by rejecting its call for expansion of economic and other exchanges, Xinhua news agency quoted a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office as saying.

Chen last Saturday rejected Beijing's 'One China' policy which defines Taiwan as a part of China and the 'One country, two systems' framework -- modelled on Hong Kong and Macau's return to China.

According to Taiwanese media, Chen also said Taiwan will only negotiate with China in a 'government-to-government mode' -- a position unacceptable to China because it regards the island as a renegade province.

He also said his government prefers not to open direct transport links if they cannot be managed properly.

China said Chen is only trying to foment discord.

'He has even wantonly slandered the mainland to stir up confrontation and further impair relations across the strait,' said the spokesman.

'He will only make himself more isolated and put himself in a more difficult situation. He will eventually reap what he has sown,' the spokesman said.

Direct cross-strait flights had been banned since the two sides split in 1949 at the end of a civil war.


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Monday, August 08, 2005

Podcasting - "播客"?

Source: Wekipedia


播客與其他音頻內容傳送的區別在于其訂閱模式,它使用RSS 2.0文件格式傳送信息。該技術允許個人進行創建與發佈,這種新的傳播方式使得人人可以說出他們想說的話。

訂閱播客節目可以使用相應的播客軟體。這種軟體可以定期檢查並下載新內容,並與用戶的攜帶型音樂播放器同步內容。播客並不強求使用iPod或iTunes; 任何數字音頻播放器或擁有適當軟體的電腦都可以播放播客節目。相同的技術亦可用來傳送視頻文件,在2005年,已經有一些播客軟體可以像播放音頻一樣播放視頻了。

Sunday, August 07, 2005

The Ten Commandments


1. "I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt..." - This commandment is to believe in the existence of God.

2. "You shall have no other gods besides Me...Do not make a sculpted image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above..."

3. "You shalt not swear falsely by the name of the Lord..." - This commandment is to never take the name of God in a vain oath. In Exodus, the text reads "in a vain oath", while in Deuteronomy it reads "in a false oath."

4. "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy" (the version in Deuteronomy mentions "Keep" rather than "Remember")

5. "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy" (the version in Deuteronomy mentions "Keep" rather than "Remember")

6. "You shall not murder" - The Hebrew Bible makes a distinction between murdering and killing, and explicitly notes that murder is always a heinous sin, while killing is sometimes necessary, and in these cases just in the eyes of God. Thus, Jews take offense at translations which state "Thou shall not kill", which Jews hold to be immoral. The official doctrine of the Catholic Church and the beliefs of many Protestant Christians hold that this verse forbids abortion; in Judaism, abortion is prohibited based on other sources.

7. "You shall not commit adultery"

8. "You shall not steal" (sometimes interpreted as kidnapping, since there are other injunctions against stealing property in the Bible).

9. "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor"

10. "You shall not covet your neighbor's house..." (in Exodus, the text reads "... neighbour's house, ... neighbour's wife, nor his manservant..." etc. while in Deuteronomy, "thy neighbour's wife, ... thy neighbour's house, his field" etc.)

Russian crew is rescued

Aug. 7 (Bloomberg) -- Seven crew members of a Russian mini- submarine trapped underwater off the country's Pacific coast with dwindling oxygen supplies surfaced alive and well after a U.K. underwater robot cut the vessel free of entanglements.

``Our crew and comrades opened the hatch themselves, all alive,'' said Admiral Viktor Fyodorov, the commander of Russia's Pacific Fleet, on Perviy Kanal. He said the men's health seemed good and that they had regulated the supply of oxygen in the sub.

``I can't call them anything but heroes,'' he said later on state-owned Rossiya television.

A U.K. Scorpio underwater robot cut through cables that had ensnared the submersible Aug. 4 off the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia's Far East. The vessel got tangled in a net and caught on an electronic coastal surveillance antenna attached to a 60- metric-ton anchor.

Two U.S. robots that were en route didn't reach the stricken sub, although three U.S. Navy divers and a U.S. Navy doctor were with the British rescue team, John Yoshishige, a spokesman for U.S. Pacific Fleet said in a telephone interview from Hawaii.

AS-28 Priz class mini-sub

Site of Accident

Wednesday, August 03, 2005



Madagascar- I like to move it

這部電影中最經典的一段,是重新詮釋real 2 real的舊作,電影裡面的King Julius在這首曲子超搞笑,自己聽聽回味一下吧

按這裡下載 - 七天內有效


Monday, August 01, 2005


現在唱片公司把盜版掛在嘴邊,沒事就拿出來抱怨銷售量下降,公司快要經營不下去,就連藝人也出來參加反盜版遊行。不過就我現在所得到的資料來看,只有少數 藝人真的能更擁有巨大財富,其實,所有所有的利潤,都是被包裝藝人的唱片或經紀公司吞掉了。想想當年周杰倫出道時唱片公司砸下兩千萬宣傳,兩千萬這個數目 是一個"推動音樂文化進行"的"文化性"公司拿的出來的嗎?


我覺得最近看的那本書《Copyrights & Copywrongs》的副標題"The Rise of Intellectual Property and How It Threatens Creativity"真的一語中的,中文版導讀人還寫道:「如果你認為唱片公司會因為盜版而倒閉,你就太低估唱片公司的能耐了」




Source: 相聲瓦舍



相聲瓦舍是一個 劇團,以創作舞臺演出的作品為第一要務,任何完成的作品,也以供應舞臺演出為第一優先。因此,我們沒有任何責任要將每一部作品製作成影音光碟,各位對出版 商品很捧場,我非常理解,也很感激,但沒有道理解釋成既然有舞臺演出、就非出光碟不可,畢竟,基於著作權法,相聲瓦舍是自己作品的著作人,我們有權主張自 己的作品是否重製。


與 我們合作多年的唱片公司,近半年多來頻頻做出令人不可理解的舉動,諸如:發片時機、發哪一部作品、怎麼包裝、怎麼宣傳....都以含混籠統的字句帶過,並 且完全不商量,說做就做,罔顧合作精神,我已經非常懷疑他們的判斷力與專業能力,繼續下去,將嚴重阻礙相聲瓦舍的創意精神與發展,因此,換人合作是勢在必 行。說得直接一點:劇團多年來只收取一小部份的版稅,商人已經從我們的作品獲得了絕大多數的利益,怎能因利潤而反客為主、因循苟且下去呢?"相聲說垮鬼子 們"和"他怎麼那麼紅"之前的出版品,上市之前都經過我的監督,而最近兩部都在唱片公司一意孤行下出手,各位可以很輕鬆地比較出它們的不同。


